Why Do I Need an Advertising Manager?

Have you been burned by the “Boost Post” button?  Most people that use that don’t realize that those are optimizing for interactions.  This means that Facebook will show it to a bunch of people that they know love to “Like” things (or like to “Love” things).  These people often don’t click on the post links though, and if your link sends them to a sales funnel or page they probably won’t go all the way through the process.  You have to go into the Ads Manager to create a conversion campaign or lead form campaign to optimize for those types of people.

Knowing the details of what campaigns to run, how to run them, when to make changes, how to make changes, and what to do if an ad isn’t performing are all the things you want in a great advertising manager. This person may have a cost but like any good investment it should pay off in the long run through an increase in profits.

One service that I offer to anyone who signs up for advertising management with me is to set them up with a series of automations to make their lives easier. Below are some things automation can take off your to-do list.

  • Pull down a new list of leads (they are sent to your phone or email immediately.)
    • With faster followup you also increase the likelihood of converting them from lead to client!
  • Add leads to an email drip campaign
  • Send an email thanking them for reaching out and explaining that you would be calling soon
  • Add lead into CRM system

I love to work with people to make their lives and businesses run smoother. Even if you aren’t interested in becoming an ads management client. I’m sure we can help you out with just a consultation to get you started!

If you think you would like to work with me to run your Facebook Ads reach out via our Advertising Management Page and I would be glad to discuss everything.

Even if you want to keep running your own ads, make sure to subscribe to my mailing list so you can make sure to get all of my latest posts and tips!